Enhanced Messaging features roll out to Centrik's patient portal

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May 8, 2024

A full suite of Messaging features are now available to healthcare providers and patients using one of Centrik’s patient portal apps. The latest feature enhancements include configurable inboxes, clinic-initiated messages, attachments, and the ability to file message threads to the practice management system (PMS).

Messaging offers healthcare providers a modern way for their patients to easily connect with them, reducing the load on reception teams fielding a high volume of phone calls and avoiding unnecessary appointments.

Providers can configure Messaging to suit the requirements at their practice, including setting up inboxes for teams or individual practitioners, with the option to choose to restrict individual inboxes to a practitioner’s registered patients.  

New messages can be quickly initiated by providers, with the ability to search for patients by their name or NHI number.

For patients, they can select from the available inboxes to message their preferred team or practitioner. Message threads can be reassigned by the provider when required, ensuring they reach the appropriate person.

Attachments can be configured by providers, allowing either practice staff or patients to include image or PDF attachments with their message.

For new messages, notifications are sent to patients from their app, along with an email alerting them to the message. Notifications for providers are received in the PMS and from there they can easily access the message thread and reply.

Message threads can be closed by practice staff, with the option to save directly to the patient daily record in the PMS, saving time by removing the need to copy and paste email communication or record phone conversations.

Messaging is now available to be configured by practices using one of Centrik's patient portal applications – Well, The Doctors, Local Doctors, and Better Health Outcomes – with feature parity across the mobile app and online patient portal.

For more information on Centrik’s frictionless digital solution, purpose built to meet the needs of healthcare providers and their patients, check out the Centrik website or get in touch for a demo.

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